
The chalice and the blade broken down
The chalice and the blade broken down

the chalice and the blade broken down the chalice and the blade broken down

The weapon, unfortunately, was broken when it was used to pierce the heart of Tiamat and bind that particular manifestation of Khyber in the darkness below.

the chalice and the blade broken down

The blade is a Divine Artifact that was created by Siberys for the purposes of defending Eberron and was made from one of his Claws. The Sword of Eberron is also known as Caliburn amongst other names. Erandis D'Vol must pluck her own eye out and replace it with the Dragon's eye (bestowing the powers of the Eye permanently upon her).Strike the Eye with the Sword of Eberron.The Dragon's Eye contains the souls of all the slain members of House Vol and can be used to bring them back.The possessor of the Dragon's Eye can Charm Monster on a Dragon as if a 18th level Spellcaster an unlimited number of times per day.The Dragon's Eye provides 100% protection against Draconic Breath Weapons of all stripes.The possessor of the Dragon's Eye automatically gains a +10 bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks with Dragons.The Dragon's Eye can Summon Monster 1d20 Adult Evil Dragons approximately three times per day.In truth, it was spirited away by fanatical servants of Vol whom were promptly slaughtered by Knights of the Silver Chalice (Goblin ones) whom proceeded to hide the accursed object that they could not destroy. The Dragon's Eye disappeared in the resulting massacre and most believe the object was destroyed by the Dragons. Thousands of spells were worked upon it as they prepared Erandis D'Vol for her role in ending the war of the Dragons. Serena D'Vol then transformed the Dragon's Eye into a gigantic emerald with her magic and proceeded to shrink it down to broach form to be placed inside her staff of office.īecause the Emerald Claw was a Divine Spark, the Dragon's Eye was the perfect vessel for holding the awesome magical powers of the entirety of House Vol. The Dragon's Eye was created when the Emerald Claw removed his left eye and presented it to his bride on the day of their wedding. At the cost of a level, the Compass of Time can perform Time Stop once per day.The Compass of Time can Commune with an Eberron deity once per day.The Compass of Time can perform an unlimited number of Legend Lore spells per day.When a subject reaches 0 Wisdom, he automatically becomes gibbering insane and attempts to hide the compass in the most secure location imaginable. Reflecting this, the subject begins to become irrationally obsessed with the compass and the secrets that it might hold. The Compass of Time was not meant to be used indefinitely by human hands, however, and using it more than once per day will result in the bearer losing 1 point of Wisdom for each additional use. All of them are under heavy lock and key in the Halls of Argonessan but for the two that are possessed by Ethan. It is an object that only eight exist of in the entirety of the world. The object in question was created during the Dragon Wars by a combination of Angel and Draconic craftsmanship.

The chalice and the blade broken down